Dr. Andreas Kastner

Sales Director Export

Phone: +49 (0) 172 294 9836

E-mail: akastner@ld-didactic.de

My team and I are happy to assist you in developing and expanding your laboratory setup and equipment collection. From the initial consultation to careful planning and the creation of individual offers, we will support you every step of the way.

Please feel free to contact us directly.

Best regards,
Dr. Andreas Kastner

Eduardo Dalmolin

Europe & Africa

Mobile: +49 (172) 294 98 07

E-mail: edalmolin@ld-didactic.de

Ayman Khattar

Middle East & North Africa

Mobile: +49 (172) 294 98 17

E-mail: akhattar@ld-didactic.de

Steffen Lischke

Asia & Australia

Mobile: +49 (172) 294 98 02

E-mail: slischke@ld-didactic.de

Narendra Parmar

Sales Director Feedback Instruments Limited

United Kingdom & South Asia

Mobile: +44 77 66 881 008

E-mail: nparmar@ld-didactic.de

For more information about Feedback Instruments: Click here

Uwe Stechert

Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Luxemburg

Mobile: +49 (0) 2233 604 140

E-mail: ustechert@ld-didactic.de

Raquel Amosa Tato

Europe & USA

Mobile: +49 (155) 103 649 97

E-mail: ramosa@ld-didactic.de

Pedro Zapata

Central & South America

Mobile: +51 984 163 174

E-Mail: pzapata@ld-didactic.de