New products and highlights 2022

We present the new products and innovations in electrical engineering and automotive technology for the year 2022.

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../../fileadmin/user upload/LD Didactic/Bilder/Neuheiten/Neuheiten 2022/773590 Converter Controller CASSY 2

March 2022

Converter Controller CASSY
The multifunctional control device for power electronics!

Control of the didactic frequency converter and at the same time recording of power electronics variables via the eight measurement inputs. Presentation of the measured values both in the display and in the CASSY Lab 2 software. Designed for demonstrative and laboratory experiments.

Possible experiments:

  • Presentation of the current and voltage courses in power electronics circuits
  • Measurements of power dissipation and efficiency
  • Transmission behaviour of PWM modulation
  • Measurements in circuits with frequency converters

Product highlights:

  • Simultaneous examination of all phases
  • Analysis of characteristics in real time, fault-tolerant measurement directly on the rectifier can be used with CASSY Lab 2, MATLAB® and LabView™
  • Digital experiment instructions “Lab Docs” are supported
  • Integrated web server for connections to mobile end devices

Go directly to Converter Controller CASSY HERE.

June 2022

Transmission & reception technology training modules for

  • Compact training system for communications engineering
  • Consists of two modules: the transmitter and receiver module
  • A legal transmission path of maximum 5-10 m is set up between the two modules in the VHF range (87.5 to 108) with a maximum of 40 nano-watt transmission power, via which data can be transferred with different signal shapes
  • The aim of the course is to practically familiarise students of communications technology at the undergraduate level, trainees in the field of radio and television technology and aspiring radar and radio engineers with modern radio systems.
  • Both modules are therefore set up in a “super heterodyne architecture” and, together, have more than 20 measuring points for oscilloscope measurement and spectrum analysis

Highlights from variety of learning contents:

  • Functional principle of mixer in communications technology (local oscillator-mixer-filter structures)
  • Properties of one and two-side bands signals, high and low-side mixers, etc.
  • Task of amplifiers and filters
  • Operating principle of a spectrum analyser (Sweep Mode)
  • Comparison and analysis of one- and two-dimensional modulations, such as amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, quadrature modulation (QPSK) and higher-value modulations (QAM 16, QAM 32, QAM 64)
  • Transmission of analogue audio signals and digital signals, determining the bit error rate
  • Recovery of the carrier frequency

Both modules will be available from autumn 2022.

../../fileadmin/user upload/LD Didactic/Bilder/Neuheiten/Neuheiten 2022/VE6721 SPS Industriemodelle

July 2022

SPS industry model

  • Mechatronic compact models (MCS) comprise mechatronic and pneumatic components
  • Connect the interplay of electronics, mechanics and pneumatics as related to process controls
  • Give trainees an interdisciplinary task which must be worked through methodically and step by step
  • To commission a module, the trainees must analyse the individual module, understand the functional connections and write a program based on this information
  • From the programming of an individual module to the programming of a closed process, for example of an automatic sorting section or a high-bay warehouse with material inspection
  • Complexity of the task increased with the complexity of the entire system
  • Module’s own speed setting devices make it possible to adapt the working speed of the module and present the trainees with process optimisation problems

Product highlights:

  • Properties of three-phase networks
  • Vector diagrams
  • Zero offset
  • Load compensation

Further information on our SPS industry model is available on request. You can also use our Online-Service-Portal HERE.